11 Essential Safety Tips For Taking Your Dog To The Beach

Tips For Taking Your Dog To The Beach

Taking your dog to the beach can be a fun and exciting experience for both you and your furry friend.

The sun! The sand! The surf! Beach days are even more fun when your furry friend is along for the ride. I know I love seeing the joy that a day at the beach brings to my pups. There are dog friendly beaches all over the world. Taking some time to prepare for your beach trip and knowing what to expect once you get there makes for a safe and happy excursion.

However, taking some safety precautions is important to ensure your dog stays safe and healthy during your trip. In this article, we will discuss some safety tips for taking your dog to the beach so you can both have fun in the sun.


Check the Rules and Regulations

Check the Rules and Regulations for Dogs on Beach

Before heading to the beach with your dog, plan ahead and check the local rules and regulations of the beach you plan to visit. Some beaches may not allow dogs, while others may have specific areas designated for them. You also want to respect other beachgoers. Most dog friendly beaches have the same general rules when it comes to swimming and the controlled environment.

Here is a great resource for finding dog friendly beaches near you.


Choosing the Right Day

There is nothing better than cooling off at the beach on a hot sunny day. However, when planning a beach day out with your dog, it is better to choose a cooler day to prevent chances of overheating and exhaustion. Too much sun isn't a good thing and can lead to hot sand (paw burns), excessive panting, severe dehydration and even skin irritation. Make sure to prevent days of high or low tide. The water is safest during a slack tide.

Your four legged friend will appreciate going to the dog beach on a day that is suitable and enjoyable for them.

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Bring Fresh Water

It’s essential to keep your dog hydrated during your beach trip. Make sure to bring plenty of fresh water and a bowl for your dog to drink from. Remember to also pack some food! And while your dog may be tempted to drink from the sea, try to prevent them as the high salinity can be dangerous to your pup.

You don’t want your dog drinking ocean water. Drinking this salt water can cause your dog to vomit and also act as a laxative, so make sure you’re providing ample fresh water for your pooch. Use whatever water is left over to rinse off the irritating salt water when you’re done for the day.


Provide Shade

Just like humans, dogs can also suffer from sunburn and heatstroke. Bring an umbrella or tent to the beach to provide shade for your dog to rest in and avoid direct sunlight. Remember, dogs can also get skin cancer! Avoid sun damage by protecting your dog's coat.

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Protect Your Dog’s Paws

Protect Your Dog’s Paws on Beach

The sand on the beach can become very hot and burn your dog’s paw pads. Consider bringing booties or using a dog paw balm to protect your dog’s feet.

Dog paw balm has many benefits, including: 

  • Alleviating discomfort for dog paw hyperkeratosis (a.k.a. “hairy paw”), which is a health condition in dogs that cause paw pads (and noses) to thicken and crack
  • Protecting paws from the elements, chemicals, ice, concrete and other rough surfaces
  • Moisturizing paw pads
  • Treating blisters, cracks, cuts, burns and irritation on paws or other areas


A Long Leash Goes a Long Way

When visiting a dog friendly beach, your dog absolutely must come to you when you call for them (called the “recall cue”) every single time without fail. If they have not mastered this command, keep them on a long leash—about 20 to 30 feet—while enjoying the sand and surf. They’ll still have enough room to frolic and run, but you’ll be able to reel them in if necessary.

A well-trained dog is a pleasure on outings and minimizes worry that they’ll run off or get into something harmful. Keeping your dog safe is always the priority.

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Sunscreen For Dogs

Yep, dogs can get sunburn. A dog's skin is just as delicate as ours. Before the beach, lather your pup up with dog sunscreen (which is specifically formulated for dogs) at least 30 minutes before heading out—paying special attention to their ears, nose and areas where they have less fur, like their belly, which can get burned by reflected light if provided sun protection.


Keep an Eye on Your Dog

Always keep an eye on your dog while at the beach. Keep them within sight and watch for any signs of distress or overheating. Ensure they have a solid recall to come when called in case of any potential disaster. Also, look out for other dogs and animals that might be on the beach.


Clean Up After Your Dog

Remember to bring bags to clean up after your dog's waste at the beach. Keeping the beach clean and safe for everyone to enjoy is essential. Nobody likes to step in dog poop during a beach vacation, so be sure to always carry poop bags with you in your bag or on your leash.


Watch Out for Beach Hazards

Be aware of any ocean hazards, such as strong currents or jellyfish, that could pose a danger to your dog. Keep your dog away from these hazards and watch for any signs of distress if they do come into contact with them. This can include dead fish that wash up on shore, broken glass and sharp objects, or even rough water or rip tides.

Digging in the sand, especially with a dog’s nose in the ground, could also cause a bit of sand swallowing. However, the biggest risk comes from dogs retrieving objects in the water. Throw a rope toy or a tennis ball, and a vivacious retriever is in his glory. The enthusiastic pup will scoop up that toy with zest—often with a swallow of sandy water or a mouthful of solid sand. You may not notice a problem at first, but dogs may feel the pain of sand ingestion later.

If your dog eats sand, remember that sand is heavy and as it compacts in the intestines, the whole intestinal tract can shut down. Food and water will not be able to pass to the stomach for digestion, and the dog will show signs of illness very quickly. With or without vomiting, the dog will feel nauseous.

We Suggest: Bring (or put together) a dog first aid kit of special items including bandages, cotton balls, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in case of jellyfish stings or cut paws. Many beaches may already have one at their lifeguard stand, but it's best to have your own. But if there are any emergencies or questions, we suggest you call your vet immediately.


Beware Of Flora and Fauna

Beware Of Flora and Fauna for Dogs on Beach

The blue-green algae, a.k.a. cyanobacteria, is present in several water bodies and can be toxic to dogs if consumed. They can cause gastric problems and vomiting. Avoid water bodies that contain flora and fauna that may be potentially toxic to your dog.



Taking your dog to the beach can be a fun and enjoyable experience for many dogs and dog owners, but it’s important to take safety precautions to keep your furry friend safe and healthy. Always check the rules and regulations of the beach you plan to visit, bring plenty of fresh water, provide shade, protect your dog’s paws, keep an eye on your dog, clean up after them, and watch out for ocean hazards. By following these safety tips, you can enjoy a fun and safe day at the dog beach with your furry friend.

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Paige Chernick is a Social Media and Communications expert living in NYC. For 10 years, she ran her own consulting company called PaigeKnowsFirst where she managed social content & strategy for many brands, finding her niche within the pet industry.

Paige has been a guest contributor for several publications and featured in articles on her successes with pets and social media. Paige’s rescue dog, Charlie, famously known by her social media handle @puppynamedcharlie, has accumulated hundreds of thousands of fans and made her a successful pet influencer early on in the game. Paige is also one of the Founders of The Pet Summit, a conference in the pet industry for creators and marketers, where she used her experience to create programs and classes to help guide and teach others.

In 2022, Paige became the Social Media Director for PRIDE+GROOM. She is now the Senior Vice President of Communications and remains very immersed in the pet industry on both the corporate side and the influencer side.