Let’s face it, after spending many a day quarantining with our furry best friends, we don’t want to leave them high and dry now that we are making fun summer plans.
Liz Lange at home with Betty
We asked my sister Liz Lange, ultimate hostess, dog mom of Betty (of the doodle variety) and Scottie Pippen (Frenchie), her tips for a species inclusive summer party.

My Dog Waffles lounging on the sofa at Grey Gardens
PRIDE+GROOM (PG): Are dogs welcome at Grey Gardens?
LIZ LANGE (LL): Of course! The more the merrier.
PG: Are there any rules that you would like your guests to follow when they bring their fur babies?
LL: We don't really have rules but it's nice when guests walk them for a few minutes outside first so that they hopefully won't have accidents inside :) But generally I hate imposing rules on my two legged and four legged guests
Some dogs like to hop right into the pool
PG: Do you allow dogs in the pool?
LL: YES! Sadly my two don't like swimming but we wish they did
PG: Do you feel like you need to provide your four legged guests with refreshments when they are visiting?
LL: We keep bowls of water outside and inside. We don't keep treats as so many dogs have sensitive tummies - especially mine!
PG: Or any special entertainment?
LL: Ha! Well I think our two dogs are excellent hosts and keep everyone busy and entertained.
PG: Are there parts of your home that are off limits?
LL: Nah. I like dogs and people alike to feel completely welcome when they visit.
PG: Are your dogs as social as you are? More?
LL: Betty loves people but sometimes it takes her a minute to warm up but once she does, she's on you like white on rice. Scottie's moto is "if it feels good, do it!" so he loves people and is constantly jumping onto their laps and running around. I'd say they are both probably more social than their parents. They would stop and talk to anyone and everyone whereas I don't want to break stride or take off my earpods!
PG: Do you ever invite people just so they can bring their dog?
LL: That sounds more like you all than me :)
PG: What are your favorite hostess gifts??
For any of my friends with a dog, I always bring a set of my sister's Pride+Groom shampoo, conditioner and scent in their chic black box. It's the best, and only product I use on my dogs and it looks beautiful sitting out on a bathroom counter.
I love giving something universally flattering from my clothing line Figue. A rope belt or a Figue candle for a new home are my go-to.
There is nothing like fruits and vegetables in summertime. Everything tastes exactly the way it's supposed to taste.

I've been getting prepared food from Loaves and Fishes since I was a teenager. Everything they make is the best version of that item! I love their kitchen/home store Loaves and Fishes Cookshop they opened in Bridgehampton. I can pretty much always find something I want there.
Anyone who knows me knows I am semi-obsessed (aka obsessed) with dessert. It's almost crazy how many cake stands I have all over my kitchen counter with different fresh baked goods on them. I love bringing a tin of homemade cookies to people's houses. Even if they have prepared their own dessert, who doesn't want a soft chocolate chip cookie?
Relating to my dessert obsession, I am equally obsessed with cookbooks. My friend Jessie Sheehan just came out with this gem - super easy and delicious recipes.
PG: Thanks for chatting with us Liz! that was super fun.
PRIDE+GROOM was born because 4 New York City dog lovers wanted the same level of grooming products for their dogs that they themselves enjoyed. They looked (hard) but nothing was up to snuff. Or sniff. Like so many, we love our families and take pride in our homes, and we consider our pets to be integral parts of those entities. That said, we could not find an effective way to coif them that was on par with the way we tended to our children, our homes, or ourselves. These beloved pets are allowed on the furniture and in our beds, and yet even when fresh from the groomer, we knew they did not smell or feel as good as they could.
With the development of our coat-specific shampoos, conditioner and deodorizing spray, we think we found just the way to say thanks for being the best and the sweetest MVP of the house.
PRIDE+GROOM is the first dog grooming brand launched under a beauty platform, with formulas made in a clean beauty and scent lab. We know beauty is not only skin deep. We did a ton of research to create the entire line. Each product is formulated with its own unique blend of essential oils sourced from around the world.
Shop our entire line: www.prideandgroom.com