The Best Father's Day for the Ultimate Dog Dad

The Best Father's Day for the Ultimate Dog Dad, father's day gift ideas, what to gift to dog dad
In honor of Father’s Day, Pride+Groom spoke to editor Garrett Munce, editor extraordinaire for all things man, and father to frenchies Elvira and Morty about being a dog dad of two pugs and what’s on his wish list this Father’s Day.  

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Garrett's pug Elvira

What is the most surprising thing you learned as a dog dad?

Garrett Munce: I’m not the most patient person, but having dogs - especially puppies - has really gotten me to work on my patience, at least where they are concerned. Since you can’t communicate with them the way you would a human, it really makes you stop and try to understand them in a different way. It can be really frustrating at times, but you just have to step back and relax and do what you can for them. But the most surprising thing is probably the willingness to do things that I would have found disgusting before. Carrying around bags of poop? No problem! Cleaning up puke? Sure why not! The list goes on (and gets way grosser) but I do it all without batting an eye.

What are you and your dogs’ fave thing to do?

GM:  Our most favorite thing to do is our bedtime routine where she lies on her back and I rub her stomach before she goes under the covers to sleep. Elvira is also a big fan of the beach - as long as there is an umbrella and a nice lap to sit on. Morty’s favorite thing is to bark (and bark and bark) until you throw a toy for her.

Do your dogs sense how you are feeling?

GM:  Elvira definitely can. When I’m sick she will stay in bed with me all day and not even need to go outside or anything. Part of me does wonder, however, if she would just want to do that all day anyway and it has nothing to do with me being sick. Morty is still so young, she has a bit of a hard time reading the room.

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Exploring new neighborhoods in New York City

Has having dogs opened your eyes to new experiences or people?  

GM:  The thing that I realized immediately upon getting a dog is that you’re exposed to an entirely new neighborhood. I thought I knew my neighborhood before, but once you have a dog not only do you meet a bunch of new people who also have dogs, but you also start seeing all sorts of new things. Like, when did part of the sidewalk become covered in chicken bones and who is putting them there? What kind of fertilizer is that one neighbor using that my dogs can’t possibly resist rolling in? You start to see the world through your dog’s eyes which is really interesting. And, at least in my neighborhood, there is a camaraderie of dog owners which is really great. It’s rare to know your neighbors in New York City but with a dog, it’s impossible to not make friends.

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Puppy Morty the Pug 

If you had unlimited space/ resources how many dogs would you adopt?

GM:  The limit does not exist. I fully expect to die crushed under a mountain of pugs. 

Could you ever see yourself being a cat dad?

GM:  Absolutely not.  

Do you have a partner?  If so, how do your parenting roles differ?

GM:  I have a husband and honestly, I’m not sure I could deal with two dogs in the city by myself, so I’m very thankful we parent well together. He is much more structured than I am - very in tune with their routines, when it’s time to take them out, making their vet appointments - that sort of thing. I’m a bit more loosey goosey. But overall, we are pretty similar. There is a division of labor - like he walks them in the morning and I feed them more often at night - but overall we approach dog dad-dom pretty much the same way.       

Do you and your dog share any favorite grooming products?

GM:  I can’t say I’ve ever used a grooming product on the dogs that isn’t dog-specific, but I have been told by several people that my dogs always smell really good. I think it’s a combination of the scents in my apartment and my fragrances rubbing off on them since they’re always climbing all over me.

What are the top 10 things that you want this father’s Day?? 

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1. The PRIDE+GROOM Father of Dog Set because it’s everything you need to be the most stylish pair at the dog park.

 soap-up skull toy, dog skull toy, best dog toy

2. A black skull chew toy and treat dispenser  from  Sodapup  because Elvira and Morticia love the Goth look.

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3. Dog and Co. City Carrier Dog bag - a perfect utilitarian tote for my most prized possessions

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4.  Outdoor Fellow Candles is one of my favorite candles and great for making your apartment smell like no dogs live there.

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5. CBD for dogs that actually works - does it exist? A friend recently recommended Suzie's CBD Treats, I haven't tried them yet but I think Morty will dig the soft peanut butter chews.

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6. Classic Paw Treats from Miami Dog Bakery, because they make my girls make my life La Dolce Vita. Sometimes you don't want to drug them ;) 

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7. This super jumbo sized Supergoop! Play Sunscreen SPF 50 because you can never have enough sunscreen for those dog days of summer.

8. Training classes because we need to teach a young dog some new tricks (and the older one could use a refresher too).

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9. This Gucci Belt Bag so I can keep my hands free when we’re on walks.

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10.  Pride & Groom Proud The Scent  because even though my dogs aren’t usually stinky, a little spritz can never hurt.

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11.  Le Lion de Chanel Eau de Parfum because if my dogs smell good, I should too.

What does the perfect day with your dog look like?

From my perspective: Taking them on an outdoor activity like the dog park followed by a long nap together. Having dinner on our roof so they can run around and then being so tired that they fall asleep early.
From Elvira’s perspective: Neither me nor my husband would leave the apartment all day and instead spend the entire day napping in bed with her sandwiched between us.
From Morty’s perspective: A 24-hour game of fetch.


  1. What are your dog’s names?
Their names are Elvira and Morticia (Morty for short) and they are both Geminis.
  1. Who is your dog’s favorite family member?
My husband claims they have no favorites, but I have a sneaking suspicion Elvira likes him best. Morty is more of a “love the one you’re with” type of girl.
  1. Have you ever checked your phone to see if you had a missed call from your dog?
No, but I do daydream all the time that they are able to text me. I like to think about what they would say, but honestly, it’s probably good they can’t because they would never stop (and neither would I).
  1. What is your dog's favorite human food?
Every morning we have a ritual where I give them 5 blueberries each before I eat mine. They know the sound when I take the package out of the refrigerator and demand them immediately. But I have to be careful because Morty will steal Elvira’s berries, so I hand feed her to make sure she gets her share.   
  1. What famous person does your dog most remind you of?
The two of them are like Pinky and The Brain. Elvira is an evil genius and Morty is her derpy henchman.   
  1. What is your dog's most distinguishing characteristic?
Let’s not call Elvira fussy - let’s say she’s particular. For instance, she won’t go outside if it’s raining, has just rained, feels like it might rain, or if there is any moisture at all. She likes what she likes and won’t settle for anything less! 
Morty is just super excited to be alive at all times. The only time she’s not completely stoked is when she finally passes out from all the excitement of living hard.    
  1. Have you ever licked your dog back?
Yes! Elvira does not like a taste of her own medicine. Morty, on the other hand, takes it as an invitation for French kissing.   
  1. Is your dog a dog or a people person?
Elvira is definitely a people person - she wants to have bodily contact with a human at all times. Morty is an everyone and everything person. She’s just happy to be invited!   
  1. What's your dog’s favorite song?
When we used to leave Elvira alone when she was young, we would leave Stevie Nicks playing for her sometimes. But her favorite song is the secret “Best Friends” song my husband made up for the two of them.   
  1. What’s the smartest thing your dog has ever done?
Elvira’s never saved me from falling down a well or anything, but she is pretty smart in general. She just prefers to use her mind to manipulate you into doing what she wants.
The jury is still out on Morty.
  1. What’s your dog’s motto?
The official Pug breed motto is Multum In Parvo, which is Latin for “much in little.”  A big dog in a small package! Elvira’s personal motto is more like “if I’m not happy, you’re not happy.” Morty’s is “gee whiz, isn’t this great?!?”
  1. Has your dog made you a better person? 

I think so. When you love someone unconditionally and put their needs before your own, I think it can’t help but make you a better person.   

Garret thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us. You ARE the ultimate dog dad!! Happy Father's Day. We hope you get everything on your list! 


PRIDE+GROOM was born because 4 New York City dog lovers wanted the same level of grooming products for their dogs that they themselves enjoyed. They looked (hard) but nothing was up to snuff. Or sniff. Like so many, we love our families and take pride in our homes, and we consider our pets to be integral parts of those entities. That said, we could not find an effective way to coif them that was on par with the way we tended to our children, our homes, or ourselves. These beloved pets are allowed on the furniture and in our beds, and yet even when fresh from the groomer, we knew they did not smell or feel as good as they could.

With the development of our coat-specific shampoos, conditioner and deodorizing spray, we think we found just the way to say thanks for being the best and the sweetest MVP of the house.

PRIDE+GROOM is the first dog grooming brand launched under a beauty platform, with formulas made in a clean beauty and scent lab. We know beauty is not only skin deep. We did a ton of research to create the entire line. Each product is formulated with its own unique blend of essential oils sourced from around the world.


Shop our entire line:


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Jane began her graphic design career as an Art Director at Allure and Vogue Magazines. She went out on her own, opening her own design studio. Clients have included fashion, beauty, restaurants, hotels, schools, charities amongst many others. In addition, she designed and created a line of paper products and custom jewelry sold nationwide She co-founded a popular woman’s shopping site, Jane sits on the Board of Animal Haven, an Animal Shelter in Soho, NYC. She is the mom of 2 doodles, 2 chihuahuas and 2 human girls.