Do you have a dog who barks excessively on walks? Maybe they lunge or pull toward other dogs or people they encounter? This could mean your dog is reactive.
Walking a reactive dog may be a difficult and stressful experience for both the dog and the owner. Reactive behavior, such as lunging, barking, or snarling at other dogs, can add stress and irritation to everyday walks. However, with the correct knowledge and tactics, you may turn your walks into fun and beneficial experiences. In this in-depth guide, we'll explore the intricate world of dog reactivity to help you determine if your pup is struggling with reactive behavior.
We will cover what reactivity is, the science behind reactive response, the fight-fear response, tangible examples of reactive behavior, and a detailed exploration of body language. Additionally, we'll provide you with positive reinforcement training techniques to address and manage reactivity effectively.
Table of Contents:
- What is Reactivity?
- Reactivity as a Fear Response
- How to Recognize Reactivity
- Positive Reinforcement Training Techniques To Improve Reactivity
- Living With and Managing a Reactive Dog
What is Reactivity?

Before we dive into the bulk of this topic, let's address what reactivity really is and clear up some common misconceptions.
Dogs who perform reactive behaviors are commonly referred to as “aggressive dogs”. That is not the case! Reactive behavior in dogs is defined as an extreme reaction to specific stimuli or triggers.
Reactivity is a behavioral response to triggers and stimuli in the environments that the dog deems to be a threat and stems from feelings of fear, anxiety, and frustration. It's crucial to recognize that reactive behavior is a coping mechanism for your dog to navigate a world that might feel overwhelming. While some reactive dogs can ALSO be aggressive, not ALL reactive dogs are aggressive.
The terms “reactive” and “aggressive” should not be used interchangeably.
Many reactive dogs still make great family dogs! They can be well-socialized and friendly towards people, children, puppies, and other dogs. However, they may become reactive towards unfamiliar dogs while out on walks, towards cars that drive by, or even unfamiliar people in certain situations. Being the guardian of a reactive dog (or other dogs with behavior issues) can often feel isolating, many people are afraid of what others will think of their dog or that they will be labeled as aggressive. Reactive behaviors are not typically welcomed with open arms, especially in a dog park. So it's best to avoid situations like this. But, reactivity is more common than you think, and finding community support is so important as you go through your reactivity training journey.
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Reactivity as a Fear Response
Understanding fear responses is foundational to comprehending reactive behavior. When a dog perceives a threat or feels anxious, the sympathetic nervous system activates, preparing the dog for a response. These responses fall under four categories of fear responses: fight, flight, freeze, and fidget. Reactive dogs tend to lean towards the canine "fight" response, displaying behaviors such as barking, growling. and/or lunging as a defense mechanism. This physiological response is deeply ingrained in a dog's evolutionary history and plays a pivotal role in their survival instincts.
How to Recognize Reactivity?

So now that you know what reactivity is, how do you recognize it in your dog’s actions and behavior? Here are examples of reactive behavior and body language to look for:
Excessive Barking
Reactive dogs often express their discomfort through incessant barking at a specific trigger, which serves as a vocalization of their stress or anxiety and a way to get the perceived threat to move further away from them.
Lunging on Leash
On walks, a reactive dog may lunge towards perceived threats, attempting to establish distance and create a buffer zone for comfort. Walking a reactive dog is similar to negotiating a minefield. You never know what will set off their alarms and drive them into a tailspin. It is critical to know what causes your dog’s reactive behavior so you can work on addressing this behavior.
Growling and Snapping
Clear indicators of discomfort or fear are growling and snapping. These are warning signs that may precede more overtly aggressive behavior if the dog feels cornered or threatened.
Body Language of a Reactive Dog
Stiff Body
A tense and rigid body is a telltale sign of heightened stress levels in reactive dogs. Paying attention to your dog's overall body posture is crucial for understanding their emotional state.
Raised Hackles
The raising of the hair along a dog's back, known as hackles, can signify arousal or heightened aggression. It's a physical manifestation of the dog's emotional response to a perceived threat.
Rigid Tail
Dogs will hold tension in their tail when they are feeling threatened, discomfort, or uncertainty. It can also be a sign that your dog is preparing for a fear response, in this case likely a fight response.
Training Techniques to Improve Reactivity

Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement is a powerful and humane training technique for modifying behavior. When addressing reactivity, focus on rewarding calm and non-reactive behavior with treats, verbal praise, or interactive play.
These techniques create positive associations with desired behavior and help change their emotional response to triggers or stimuli in the environment. Working with dog trainers on reactivity issues will be helpful. Avoid the use of aversive training methods based on punishment and dominance. These will only increase their fear and make their reactivity worse.
Desensitization involves exposing your dog to stimuli gradually in a controlled environment. Start at a distance where your dog remains calm and gradually decrease the distance over time. This process helps your dog build tolerance and reduces the intensity of their reactions.
Counterconditioning involves changing your dog's emotional response to triggers by associating them with positive experiences. For instance, reward calm behavior when another dog is in sight, creating a positive association with the presence of other dogs.
Professional Training
In cases of severe reactivity, seeking the assistance of a professional dog trainer is highly recommended. A trainer with expertise in positive reinforcement techniques and behavior modification can assess your dog's specific needs and tailor a training plan to address their unique challenges. Professional guidance provides additional support and ensures that training efforts are effective and focused.
Figuring Out Your Dog's Triggers
The first thing I recommend to stop reactive behavior is for pet parents to keep a journal and write down when their dog has a reactive moment. Keeping track of all reactivity and aggression is key. Be sure to write down the day of the week, the time, the weather, and anything else that occurred. Noting all the details will help you spot what's triggering your dog. Some dogs go on high alert when it's rush hour and they hear traffic. Others may become fearful at night or when their vision is impaired. If you have an older dog that's starting to lose their vision, for example, your pooch may get anxious hearing noises but not being able to see what's going on.
Living With and Managing A Reactive Dog

While complete eradication of reactivity may not be achievable for every dog, effective management and reduction are realistic goals. When working with your reactive dog it is important to remain calm. Your dog can sense your energy and will use it as an indication of how they should be feeling too. Do your best to manage the situation by ensuring your dog is not in imminent danger and gently remove them from the situation. It's essential to recognize and respect your dog's limits and provide a safe and controlled environment. Consistency in dog training, and a deep understanding of your dog's individual needs contribute to successful management.
Something that we like to tell all reactive dog guardians is, "Your dog is not giving you a hard time, they are having a hard time." Modifying your dog's behavior won't happen overnight. But with patient training, you should see a calmer and more confident pup.
I hope this also helps you have a better understanding of your reactive dog. ♥️
Reactivity in Dogs Recap
Once you have identified reactive behaviors in your dog, addressing reactivity requires dedication, patience, and a commitment to positive reinforcement training. By recognizing dogs behavior and the signs of reactivity, understanding the fight-fear response, and implementing effective training techniques, you can significantly improve your dog's behavior. Remember, each dog is unique, and progress may vary, but with unwavering dedication, you can create a positive and enjoyable relationship with your reactive dog.
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