Can Dogs Eat Blueberries? What You Need to Know

Can Dogs Eat Blueberries?

June is officially blueberry season! Well, here on the east coast at least. Early season blueberries mark the beginning of warm days. These delicious fruits mature before the late-season types, offering a fresh start to summer. This early harvest lets growers and eaters savor blueberries as the season kicks off.

Certain fruits and berries are tasty and even healthy for dogs. Others can cause a range of adverse reactions from an upset stomach to renal failure or worse. Knowing which foods your dog can and can’t have is essential for their well being and healthy life.

We all know blueberries are a delicious and healthy snack for humans - we enjoy them in a fruit salad as much as in a muffin. But, what about our pets - can dogs eat blueberries? Yes, they can. While there is some fruit you shouldn’t feed dogs, blueberries are perfectly safe for your pet. Although, whether they will want to eat them or not is another matter.

If you’ve ever wondered “Can dogs eat blueberries?” the answer is yes. Unlike grapes, this berry poses no risk to your pup. Below we’ll explore what makes blueberries such a great treat and the best way to incorporate them into your dog’s diet.

How Long Does Blueberry Season Last?

In addition to climate, your area's blueberry season is also dependent on the variety. Here are typical blueberry harvest times for regions in the United States.

  • California: March–June
  • Northeast: June–September
  • Southeast: April–May
  • Midwest: Mid-July–Early September
  • Rocky Mountains: Mid-July–Early September
  • Northwest: July–September
  • Southwest: April–June

Can Dogs Eat Blueberries?

Whatever we’re eating, dogs tend to look at it with their best puppy dogs eyes in the hope they will get a nibble. They don’t know that certain foods are bad for them or even toxic. They’ll try to eat it even if they shouldn't, which is why we need to make sure we aren’t giving our dogs any food that is going to be bad – or even dangerous – to their health. It’s down to us pet parents to make those decisions on behalf of our dog.

So, if you’ve been enjoying some  juicy blueberries and that longing look has made you wonder “can my dog eat blueberries?” - you’ll be pleased to know that dogs can have them. Most fruit and vegetables are both healthy and beneficial to your pet, but it’s always best to check first.

Blueberries are a low-calorie snack for dogs that contain vitamins and nutrients, as well as antioxidants. This is perfect if your dog enjoys them - they’ll make an excellent addition to their balanced diet too. So yes, you can give a dog blueberries. But, keep in mind, not all dogs will like the taste of blueberries. Despite their desperation for one, they may spit a blueberry out when you offer it to them.

You also want to avoid giving blueberries to dogs with food sensitivities or those on a special diet to manage medical conditions.

How Many Blueberries Can a Dog Eat?

First, make sure you’ve washed the blueberries thoroughly. Then, it’s best to start slowly, giving your dog just a few to let them get used to the taste and see whether they like them or not. We also recommend trying organic blueberries.

It’s important to keep in mind that blueberries could give your dog an upset stomach, particularly if you overfeed them. This could result in diarrhea. They also contain sugar which should only be fed to your dog in moderation.

As a general rule, you don’t want to give your dog more than eight to 10 blueberries a day. That’s not a lot; it’s a small handful, at most. You can feed your dog both fresh and frozen blueberries.

However, before you give dogs blueberries, you may want to speak to your vet just to double check. Then you can ask them what they would recommend based on the specific dog’s size and weight. Once you know this you can decide when and how often to incorporate it into their diet.

Are Blueberries Good for Dogs?

Yes, just like blueberries are healthy for humans to eat, they can be incredibly good for dogs too. There are many nutritional benefits to feeding blueberries.

Wild blueberries are high in:

  • Antioxidants 
  • Fiber 
  • Vitamin C and K
  • Phytochemicals

As well as fighting cancer and heart disease, these little berries can prevent cell damage, help preserve brain health and contribute to healthy digestion. The fact they are also low-calorie is a bonus.

How to Feed Blueberries to Dogs?

Now you know blueberries are good for dogs, you might be wondering how to feed them. There are several ways to incorporate these juicy berries into their diet; here’s a few to get you started: 

Offer them a handful

Start with a few pieces of this nutrient-packed fruit to see if they like them. Allergies to blueberries are rare, so you’re really just finding out if blueberries tickle your dog’s fancy. After all, dogs are, to a certain extent, the same as people. They have their own tastes and preferences. Watch your pup to see how they react. It will be obvious if they don't like the taste or texture because they will either sniff the berries and then walk off or put them in their mouth but spit them right back out.

If your curious canine takes the blueberries but doesn’t seem to chew or swallow, watch to see if they take them somewhere to spit out. Like a lot of dogs, they'll most likely eat the treat and beg for more.

Give blueberries as special treats

If your dog likes blueberries, you can use them as reward treats during training or as a great low-calorie substitute for some of the higher calorie processed treats. Since they’re small, you don’t have to chop them up and it’s easy to carry them in a small bag or plastic container on a hike.

Most dogs will be grateful for a few blueberries on a hot day. A handful, given a few at a time, makes a cool and crunchy snack. You could even freeze the blueberries to make sure they are extra refreshing for them.

Incorporate fresh blueberries into your dog’s diet

You can mix a small portion in with dry or wet dog food, to add flavor and nutrients, and as a low-calorie filler. However, you need to be careful not to overdo it. Alternatively, buy some of the higher-end manufactured dog foods that incorporate blueberries as an ingredient.

These foods usually pair blueberries (sometimes along with strawberries and cranberries) with chicken, quite often in grain-free or low grain foods for dogs with grain allergies or weight problems.

Do not give blueberries in baked goods

Can dogs eat blueberry muffins? The answer is no! It's best to avoid blueberry-filled human treats such as blueberry desserts, muffins, and pastries. A blueberry muffin, unless made with alternative dog-approved ingredients, is a no-no. For your dog, high-fat muffins and too much sugar could trigger anything from an upset stomach to a bout of pancreatitis.

Also Read: Dogs and Marijuana: The Dangers and the Unknowns

What Other Fruits Can A Dog Eat?

What Other Fruits Can A Dog Eat?

You now know dogs can eat blueberries. You have given this healthy treat to them and they have enjoyed it. You might want to mix up the fruit they have and so are probably wondering what else they can have. Can dogs eat strawberries and blueberries? Are there health benefits to other fruits? Could you give them an apple or banana instead?

Other fruit your dog can eat, include:

  • Strawberries 
  • Banana
  • Apple 
  • Cranberries 
  • Watermelon 
  • Pears 
  • Oranges

Fruit dogs can’t eat, include:

  • Grapes 
  • Cherries
  • Avocado

**If you suspect your dog has ever eaten grapes or toxic fruit such as grapes then they need to be seen by a vet as soon as possible. Always check with your veterinarian first before giving your dog any new foods, especially “people foods.” What might be okay for one dog might not be good for your dog, depending on multiple factors, such as their age, health history, health conditions, and diet. Dogs on prescription diets should not be fed any food or treats outside the diet.

If you’re concerned that your dog may have eaten too many blueberries, watch for signs of an upset stomach. Contact your veterinarian if you notice any of these symptoms:

  • Decreased appetite or loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Acting depressed
  • Looking uncomfortable
  • Gulping or licking their lips, the air, or objects

Take your dog to the vet immediately if you see vomiting, excessive diarrhea, blood in their vomit or stool, weakness, or collapse.

Also Read: 10 Superfoods For Dogs From Your Own Kitchen

Are Blueberry Plants Toxic to Dogs?

Blueberry bushes aren’t toxic to dogs. However the plants receive regular supplements of 10-10-10 fertilizer with either ammonium sulfate or potassium sulfate. Although safe in small amounts, extensive contact with ammonium sulfate can cause lethargy and breathing and mobility issues in dogs.

Consider choosing a fertilizer with potassium sulfate, which is safe and is even added to commercial pet food. The plants may also be troubled by insects or fungi. Pesticides that combat these problems can be toxic to dogs. Isolate the shrubs from your dog if you use toxic options. Fortunately, sustainable, non-toxic pesticides are also available.  

Blueberries grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones three through eight—in other words, in most of the lower 48 states and parts of Alaska. Dogs can adversely affect blueberry bushes if they urinate on or near them. The nitrogen in urine can soften berries and predispose them to rot or cause lush leaf growth with few berries.

Dogs are opportunistic eaters, who may eat a cookie crumb from the kitchen floor or fruit in the garden. For that reason, you may need to fence off your blueberry and other bushes to keep your dog from gorging—and to ensure you get fruit for yourself.


So, can dogs eat blueberries? Yes! Blueberries are not only safe for dogs to eat, but they’re also a low-calorie treat that’s packed with vitamins, minerals, and are high in fiber, too. They make the perfect occasional treat.

This summer transform those baskets of juicy, ripe, fresh blueberries found at farmer’s markets or grocery stores into tasty treats for your dogs. While fresh is best, unsweetened frozen blueberries for dogs are also on the menu. Enjoy those hot summer days even more with your dog!