Furry Ring Bearers: Training Tips for Your Dog's Wedding Debut

Training Tips for Your Dog's Wedding Debut

Imagine your dog promenading down the aisle as the flower girl, or holding you and your significant other’s wedding rings. What a cute and unforgettable memory you’ll create, on one of the most special days of your life!


Your wedding is a day to be cherished and enjoyed to the fullest. One way to ensure that is by getting your dog involved in the ceremony by making them a responsible ring bearer or flower girl. If you’re planning a wedding with your baby dog as an important part of the celebration, here are some great tips and things to think about before your dog’s big wedding debut.

Understand Your Wedding Venue’s Requirements

If you’re planning to have your dog in your wedding, it’s essential that you make preparations beforehand. Whether you’re planning a wedding in a city or by the beach, finding an all-inclusive and extensive venue that is pet friendly will help you set the tone for your wedding day. After all, it must be dog friendly, which typically means an outdoor ceremony for your well behaved four legged friend to attend.

Moreover, depending on how long you plan to have your furry baby at the wedding, making appropriate arrangements regarding pet sitting services, a pet-friendly photo booth, as well as having a dedicated place for your pet during the celebration can help make the experience paws-itively memorable for both you and your dog. You want your dog to feel comfortable at the venue!

Ask Important Questions During The Wedding Planning

While it may be tempting to have your sweet little baby bring you your rings, and your guests “aww-ing” in delight, it’s practical to think of some important scenarios and how you plan to handle them if anything goes astray during the ceremony. And it's always helpful to have a backup plan.

Is your dog trained enough to stay calm during the ceremony?

If your dog isn’t used to having many people around, they may find it difficult to cope up with the sudden attention. By ensuring their comfort and providing them ample directions, you can prepare to be the ring bearer before the wedding party day comes around.

Is your dog going to be restless and uncomfortable in the wedding environment?

After all is said and done, it’s important to know how your dog will feel at the wedding. Whether you plan to let them do their part and send them home, or keep them at the wedding with a family member or trusted pal, finding out and understanding your dog’s needs will certainly help you keep yourself calm during the day and your doggo comfy.

Can your dog sit still for a long period of time? Will they walk nicely? Is it the best idea to have your dog in your wedding? Will a handler walk them down the aisle? Knowing these details in advance can also stop them from barking or causing a kerfuffle at the wedding.

Does your dog have separation anxiety?

Some breeds of dog like pugs are more prone to separation anxiety and jealousy, while it can also be due to the way they were brought up. If your doggo goes through bouts of jealousy and separation anxiety when you aren’t near, it might be tough to manage them during the ceremony.

Dress Up Your Furry Friend For The Wedding Day

Dress Up Your Dog For The Wedding Day

No wedding is complete without everyone being on theme, and that includes your canine in the wedding party as well. There are many ways you can dress up your dog for their walk down the aisle, but matching their outfit with the theme of your wedding would be the cutest way to begin the celebrations for the special day.

For instance, if you’re celebrating a beautiful beach wedding, then dressing up your furry ring bearer or flower dog in a bow tie and cute little beach clothes will be the perfect way to start the celebration. You can also match your pooch’s look to that of the groomsmen or bridesmaids or anyone in the bridal party. 

Just keep in mind that your doggo should be comfortable in those clothes. As long as it isn’t too tight or hot for them, they’re also going to enjoy being dressed up for this special occasion. Also, be extra cautious of your doggo’s grooming. Make sure their nails are cut and their coat is shiny for those extra cute photographs.

Start Training For The Special Day

Start Dog Training For The Wedding Day

Once you’ve thought about all the possible scenarios and matching your pooch’s outfit to your wedding theme, it’s time to start training your cute ring bearer for the big day. Consider how to train your dog to walk down the aisle. Depending on how well trained your dog already is, it could take a few months to get them ready.

Top 5 Tips to Achieve Successful Training Sessions

Begin Early

Early training is the best way to develop a regimen for your dog. If you walk your dog everyday, teach them to come to you and your partner when you show a sign. You could hold a box in your hand and encourage them to move towards it. By including trotting down the aisle as a part of your pooch’s training, you’ll be able to train your furry ring bearer for your big day before time. Since there will be enough time to practice, you can easily iron out the details.

Also Read: Mastering the Art of Walking Your Dog: Tips and Training Techniques

Find A Professional

With your wedding approaching, you may not have enough time to train your dog, especially if they haven’t been trained in the past or aren’t too fond of instructions. In that case, finding a dog trainer can help you smooth out the ring bearer situation. It might be useful to note here that finding a trainer that gels well with your dog’s personality and understands their health and fitness levels will make things easier for everyone.

A dog trainer can teach your pooch to follow commands, bring the rings to you, walk down straight towards you, and ensure a seamless wedding day without you having to put too much time and effort into training. However, supervision on your part is essential so that your dog doesn’t feel lonely, and learns to associate the training routine with you.

Also Read: Keeping Dogs Fit and Healthy Throughout Their Lives: Setting Them Up For Success

Keep Some Treats Handy

We all know how much our canines love their little treats, and these rewards (also known as positive reinforcement) can be a great way to train your dog for their wedding debut. By associating your dog’s favorite snacks with walking down the aisle, you’ll be able to create a positive relationship between the two. As your dog learns that they’re being rewarded for following instructions, they’re more likely to perform well at the wedding, and keep your rings safe.

Look For A Guide

Being extra cautious doesn’t hurt anyone. While ample training and doggy treats are more than likely to keep your dog focused on the task at hand, having someone walk them down the aisle would ensure that nothing goes wrong. Find a loved one or family member that your dog trusts and ask them to hold the dog at the venue. While you could use a leash, if the doggy is trained enough, they’re better off working without one.

Plan Ahead

As a dog owner, even after doing everything right, there's still a chance for your dog to be naughty and run away in another direction. What you can do in this situation is to plan ahead for your furry friend. Your dog could be a symbol of ring bearing as they trot down with two fake rings attached to their collar. Meanwhile, you can keep your rings safe beside you. So the dog can bring your symbolism rings, and then you replace them with the real ones to avoid losing them in the hustle and bustle of the day.

It’s A Wrap

Having your dog as a part of your wedding ceremony can be extremely special, especially when they’re your ring bearer. But it also comes with its own set of challenges and you never know what to expect.

It might not be possible for you to be there for your fur baby during the big day at the wedding venue but you can certainly prepare for it in advance. By ensuring optimum methods of training, and starting early, you can easily train your furry ring bearer for a day filled with love, laughs, and cuteness!

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Paige Chernick is a Social Media and Communications expert living in NYC. For 10 years, she ran her own consulting company called PaigeKnowsFirst where she managed social content & strategy for many brands, finding her niche within the pet industry.

Paige has been a guest contributor for several publications and featured in articles on her successes with pets and social media. Paige’s rescue dog, Charlie, famously known by her social media handle @puppynamedcharlie, has accumulated hundreds of thousands of fans and made her a successful pet influencer early on in the game. Paige is also one of the Founders of The Pet Summit, a conference in the pet industry for creators and marketers, where she used her experience to create programs and classes to help guide and teach others.

In 2022, Paige became the Social Media Director for PRIDE+GROOM. She is now the Senior Vice President of Communications and remains very immersed in the pet industry on both the corporate side and the influencer side.