7 Places to Look For Ticks On Your Dog

Places to Look For Ticks On Your Dog

Ticks are a problem for dogs (and for humans) throughout the United States during all seasons of the year. When temperatures rise, and you and your dog are spending more time outside, these bloodsucking parasites become a larger threat. Ticks sit themselves on tall grasses and shrubs, waiting for your dog to walk by, so they can attach themselves to them.

Tick prevention should be taken seriously by pet parents, and not just because these arachnids make many people squeamish, but because ticks actually carry quite a few deadly illnesses and infections. Some of these tick-borne diseases have no cure, so being diligent in checking for and removing ticks is important.

Talk with your veterinarian before using any medication geared toward preventing ticks because the age and breed of your dog, as well as your location and habits, will determine what will work best to keep your pup tick free.

Be Prepared To Find Ticks

Ticks are most active in the spring, summer, and fall, although this may vary slightly depending on where you live.  Ticks can live in grass, leaves, and tall brush, while they wait to attach themselves to a host. When your dog is out playing in the yard, they often seize the opportunity to jump on and feed off Fido. 

So where do ticks hide on dogs? After a tick attaches to your dog, it begins feeding off your dog’s blood. Therefore the area where a tick has attached itself may become red and irritated.  

Veterinarians recommend that the best defense is a good offense – and that you thoroughly check your dog for ticks as soon as you return from outside. Carefully run your hands all over your dog to search for small bumps.

You don’t have to take your dog to the vet if you find a tick on them – as long as you know how to safely remove the whole tick from your pet's skin, including the head, with fine-point tweezers or a specially designed tick removal hook.

If the tick has been attached for about 48 hours, it can transmit a disease, such as Lyme disease, or cause an infection, so that’s why you should check your dog and yourself as soon as you get inside. Be sure to watch your dog for changes in behavior – lack of appetite, low energy, joint pain – and if the dog shows signs of being ill, make an appointment with your veterinarian.

Finding and Removing Ticks

Be Prepared To Find Ticks

Ticks can be surprisingly difficult to locate, so be sure to brush your fingers carefully through your pet’s fur. You’ll need to use a reasonable amount of pressure in order to feel the small bumps and find ticks. These ticks can vary significantly in size based on their species and how long they’ve been attached. Be  prepared to encounter an insect as small as a pinpoint or as large as a blueberry.

You can use tick removal tools such as a tick spoon or tweezers to grasp the tick and pull it from your dog's skin. It does require a small amount of force to pull upward in the bite area and if you are having any trouble you can always call your local veterinary hospital and a technician or doctor can assist you. You will definitely want to have other tools on hand, including rubbing alcohol.

Tick checks are by no means enjoyable, but they are definitely important; ticks carry a number of dangerous illnesses, and the last thing you want is for your dog to contract Ehrlichia or Lyme from tick bites. A tick can transmit a disease in as little as 6 hours and up to 48 hours. This makes it all the more important to check for ticks on your dog after every excursion outdoors. Not only can some of these illnesses cause extreme discomfort for your pet, they may even lead to death in very extreme cases. A tick can also transfer from your dog to your bed/furniture/other pets and even you.

If a tick borne disease is transmitted to your pet, it can take up to 6 months for it to present signs. If you notice your pet become lethargic or lame in any or all limbs, call and make an appointment with your veterinarian. These infections are best treated when signs appear with a long course of antibiotics. Most cases see improvement within 48 hours after starting the medicine.


Also Read: Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs


Where Should You Check Your Dog for Ticks?

A tick is so tiny, so it can be tricky to find on your dog. They can be anywhere, but are generally hiding in one of seven areas, so be sure to check your dog thoroughly in these places.

Whether your dog spends hours outside or merely  leaves the comfort of your home for a bathroom break, it is absolutely imperative that you conduct thorough tick checks following every outing. Although there are many tick preventative medications, no medication will provide complete protection and checking your pet is still considered a key aspect of tick prevention. Tick bites can be very serious. Veterinarians suggest that these checks should include the entirety of your dog’s body, including these  harder-to-reach areas:

Head and Ears

Dogs are curious creatures, sticking their heads into everything, so it’s not uncommon for ticks to find their way onto the head and into a dog’s ears. A dog's fur varies from breed to breed. With so many crevices and hiding places, the ears make a perfect home for a hungry tick.

When checking your dog, make sure to look on the outside of the ears and also deep into the ear, because the ticks can get attached and go unnoticed for a long time. If your dog is shaking their head and scratching at their ear, it’s a sure sign that something is off, and you’ll want to take a look.


Since the tick loves to hide in places where they won’t be found, crawling in between your pet's toes and attaching there is a common occurrence. You can find them in between the toes or even on the bottom of the foot near the pads. If you notice your dog licking or chewing their feet, there might be something bothering them, and that something could be a tick.


A lot of tick species go unnoticed near a dog's eyelids because they’re mistaken for skin tags or eye discharge. Unfortunately, by the time many owners realize there is a tick on their dog’s eyelid, the tick has been attached for quite a while. This isn’t ideal, because the longer a tick stays attached, the more likely transmission of disease is to occur.

Under the Collar

Many dogs rarely have their collars taken off, and with good reason — it’s important to keep proper identification on your dog at all times. Ticks can become attached underneath your dog’s collar without anyone noticing, usually until the tick is large enough to be seen — which means it’s been there for a while. Sometimes, removing and checking the collar itself will prevent a tick from attaching if it’s just crawling around underneath. Whatever the case, removing the collar to do a thorough check for ticks is important.


Ticks like dark, moist areas, so the underside of the tail makes a great home. Since most owners aren’t regularly checking the underside of the dog’s tail, especially near the base, a tick can go unnoticed for quite some time. If your dog has thick fur, you’ll want to make sure to comb through it and search thoroughly. A fine comb will likely catch a tick that’s attached itself under the tail.

The Groin Area

Most dog owners aren’t keen on checking their dog’s genital regions. However, this area is another dark, moist region on the body that ticks really like hanging around in. Ticks can become attached to a pet's groin and stay hidden by the dog’s coat and tail for a long time.

Under Their Arms

Another common place for ticks to attach is high up where the dog’s front legs meet their body – what we would call the armpit region. It’s a nice, dark area where it’s difficult for the dog to reach or for you to see. A tick in this area could be mistaken for a skin tag.


Also Read: LIONS and TIGERS and TICKS! OH MY! Fleas and tick prevention tips by Vet


Flea and Tick Prevention

Flea and Tick Prevention

It is best practice to prevent your pet, dog or cat, from picking up ticks. The best way to do this is with flea and tick preventatives and checking your dog daily. These can be in collar form, an oral chewable, or a topical liquid that is applied in between your pet’s shoulder blades on the skin after parting the fur or hair. Talk to your veterinarian about what type and brand is best for your pet’s lifestyle.


Ticks are more than just a nuisance.  They can cause serious health complications for pets and people.  They can potentially spread debilitating diseases like Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and others.  

However, ticks often go unnoticed because of their size. Certain types of ticks are no bigger than a grain of sand. That’s why it is so important to perform regular tick checks on your dog (and yourself) after playing or walking outdoors. It can also be helpful to prepare your dog for tick season.

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Paige Chernick is a Social Media and Communications expert living in NYC. For 10 years, she ran her own consulting company called PaigeKnowsFirst where she managed social content & strategy for many brands, finding her niche within the pet industry.

Paige has been a guest contributor for several publications and featured in articles on her successes with pets and social media. Paige’s rescue dog, Charlie, famously known by her social media handle @puppynamedcharlie, has accumulated hundreds of thousands of fans and made her a successful pet influencer early on in the game. Paige is also one of the Founders of The Pet Summit, a conference in the pet industry for creators and marketers, where she used her experience to create programs and classes to help guide and teach others.

In 2022, Paige became the Social Media Director for PRIDE+GROOM. She is now the Senior Vice President of Communications and remains very immersed in the pet industry on both the corporate side and the influencer side.