There’s a reason you see oodles of doodles everywhere you go these days. Whether it’s a Goldendoodle or an Aussiedoodle, they are all unique in their own doodly way. But if they share one quality, it’s that they’re all basically dogs trapped in the body of a teddy bear. I have two doodles myself, so I definitely wanted to weigh in on this trending topic! So without further adoo[dle], here are 25 things that only doodle owners would understand:
1. They. Have. So. Much. Energy!
2. That being said, they are also perfectly content sleeping all day.
3. No two doodles look exactly alike!
4. Most people will have trouble guessing what kind of doodle they actually are, but they will still try to guess.
5. It’s hard to have just ONE doodle. IYKYK…
6. They are extremely goofy, in the best way possible.
7. A haircut can either turn them into a fluffy teddy bear, or a naked mole rat. It’s a make or break.
8. Doodles can look you in the eye and get you to give-in to just about anything.

9. They have mastered the head-tilt and always seem to be listening to you when you speak.
10. They will shrink when wet! No, really. You might check to see if it’s the same dog.
11. Doodles are excellent therapy dogs! Their combination of breeds are often intuitive, obedient, and great at calming people.
12. You probably have posed your doodle for a professional photoshoot once or twice. It’s ok, we have no judgment here! They’re SO cute.
13. ZOOMIES. It’s a daily occurrence.
14. You may never do anything alone, like go to the bathroom, again. Doodles tend to never, ever leave your side (EVER). And why would you want them to?
15. It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Super Doodle! They somehow defy gravity when running and take flight!
16. They sleep upside down with their legs and arms spread wide open. Also known as “the doodle pose.”
17. The side-eye is real! Their expressions are almost humanlike, and boy do they know how to work it. When doodles give you the side-eye, you know they mean business.
18. Did someone say “BALL”? Doodles are obsessed with toys, squeakers, and fetch! I have even had to hide some toys in my apartment because they constantly want to play!
19. They’re excellent swimmers and love water. Poodles were originally bred to be water retrievers and often have webbed paws!
20. Sensitive stomach? You’re not alone! Most doodles are known for having food allergies and stomach issues. I bet your doodle only eats the finest cuisine!
21. Everyone stops to ask you where you got him/her from.
22. You are friends with your groomer, probably because you see them so frequently!
23. They have a lot of friends! Maybe even more than you?
24. They are ALWAYS doing something cute. And you are ALWAYS capturing it. Your camera roll probably has at least 1TB of doodle content.
25. You wouldn’t trade your doodle for any other breed in the world! They are simply THE best!
PRIDE+GROOM was born because 4 New York City dog lovers wanted the same level of grooming products for their dogs that they themselves enjoyed. They looked (hard) but nothing was up to snuff. Or sniff. Like so many, we love our families and take pride in our homes, and we consider our pets to be integral parts of those entities. That said, we could not find an effective way to coif them that was on par with the way we tended to our children, our homes, or ourselves. These beloved pets are allowed on the furniture and in our beds, and yet even when fresh from the groomer, we knew they did not smell or feel as good as they could.
With the development of our coat-specific shampoos, conditioner and deodorizing spray, we think we found just the way to say thanks for being the best and the sweetest MVP of the house.
PRIDE+GROOM is the first dog grooming brand launched under a beauty platform, with formulas made in a clean beauty and scent lab. We know beauty is not only skin deep. We did a ton of research to create the entire line. Each product is formulated with its own unique blend of essential oils sourced from around the world.
Shop our entire line:
Paige Chernick is a Social Media and Communications expert living in NYC. For 10 years, she ran her own consulting company called PaigeKnowsFirst where she managed social content & strategy for many brands, finding her niche within the pet industry.
Paige has been a guest contributor for several publications and featured in articles on her successes with pets and social media. Paige’s rescue dog, Charlie, famously known by her social media handle @puppynamedcharlie, has accumulated hundreds of thousands of fans and made her a successful pet influencer early on in the game. Paige is also one of the Founders of The Pet Summit, a conference in the pet industry for creators and marketers, where she used her experience to create programs and classes to help guide and teach others.
In 2022, Paige became the Social Media Director for PRIDE+GROOM. She is now the Senior Vice President of Communications and remains very immersed in the pet industry on both the corporate side and the influencer side.